Fiber Optic Testing Essentials
There are three levels of tesing fiber optic link testing: Verification. Confirmation. Certification. Here’s a brief explaination of the differences. at the bottom of this page is a list of the fiber testing products we have on our site.
Both of the fiber termination kits we sell come with a Visusal Fault Locator (VFL), origianlly developed to find breaks in a fiber run. The fiber optic jacket is translucent so, by shining a low-powered laser into the fiber, a break in the fiber would shine through the jacket showing the point of the break and where to install a fiber splice.
The VFL also is a handy tool to verify that you have light continuity from point A to point B along a run of fiber. So it’s the first step in testing: verification.
So you have verified that you have continuity. But there may be loss in your fiber link due to a mis-aligned or mis-attached fiber connector, dirt or other debris on the connector tip or lodged in an SFP input. The Cleerline SSF-TKITE100 is a low cost kit that contains a multi-mode light source, a single mode light source, and an optical power meter that allows you to verify the loss in your fiber link. After calibrating the the meters, you can easily measure the attenuation (loss) of light signal, allowing confirmation that your craftsmanship is good.